Monday, July 13, 2015

WISE 2015 - Workshop on Implementation: Security and Evaluation

On behalf of the ECRYPT CSA european initiative, CryptoExperts organizes a workshop on the security of cryptographic implementations. The workshop will be held on September 11, 2015 in the heart of Paris, two days before CHES, with a scientific program centered around the following themes:
  • attack models and evaluation methodologies,
  • present and future certification schemes and standardization,
  • implementation security proofs and their automatization.

The workshop will be composed of invited presentations as well as a discussion panel aiming at building a vision of the current trends in the field and their expected evolutions in the future. The security of cryptographic implementations is a key topic in Europe, with both scientific and economic impacts. The purpose of this ECRYPT CSA workshop is to consult the academic, industrial and gov-related scientific communities to build the future european research roadmap in this strategic area.

Registration is free, but mandatory. Please register before August 31.

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