Friday, December 28, 2018

Generic White-Box Attacks

Cryptography is deployed in almost all the objects (e.g., smartphones) to protect the communications between these objects connected in an open environment. However, the execution environments over them are usually untrustworthy, making cryptographic software implementations running in them are vulnerable to an attacker, who completely manipulates an execution platform and the software deployed on it. Specifically, an attack could try to extract the secret cryptographic keys by all kinds of means, for instance, by monitoring the accessed the memory while execution or by interfering in the execution and exploiting the leakage from erroneous outputs. This attacking model is called white-box model.

White-box cryptography

White-box cryptography is introduced by Chow et al. to protect against software cryptographic implementation against these white-box threats. In particular, it aims to make the key extraction infeasible to any malicious party that would gain full access to the program (and/or the At CHES 2016, Bos et al. proposed to use differential computation analysis (DCA) to attack white-box implementation. DCA is essentially an adaptation of the differential power analysis techniques in the white-box context. It exploits the fact that the variables appearing in the computation in some unknown encoded form might have a strong linear correlation with their original values. It works by first collecting some computation traces, composed runtime memory information through several executions through a dynamic instrumentation tool, such as Intel PIN. One then makes a key guess and predicts the value of a (supposedly) computed bit based on the guess and the computation input. The collected traces are then categorized into two groups according to the hypothetical bits, and a differential trace is calculated by subtracting the two average traces for each key guess. Finally, the key guess with the highest peak in the differential trace is selected as the key candidate.execution environment). Hence, white-box cryptography is considered as the last security frontier of the deployed software. Despite its practical interest, it has been widely acknowledged that no provably secure white-box implementation is put forward in the literature after almost 20 years exploration. Nevertheless, many different techniques have been proposed to mitigate this real-world security threat, but all these solutions have been broken by structural attacks. This situation has pushed the industry to deploy home-made white-box implementations, the designs of which are kept secret, to meet the increasing demands in the market. Although these implementations might not be not secure against a well-informed adversary, the security of their designs can make them practically hard to break since e.g. the known structural attacks do not apply as is. However, several generic attacks have been presented to break these obscure white-box implementations without gaining any knowledge of the designing principle behind.

Differential computation analysis

At CHES 2016, Bos et al. proposed to use differential computation analysis (DCA) to attack white-box implementation. DCA is essentially an adaptation of the differential power analysis techniques in the white-box context. It exploits the fact that the variables appearing in the computation in some unknown encoded form might have a strong linear correlation with their original values. It works by first collecting some computation traces, composed runtime memory information through several executions through a dynamic instrumentation tool, such as Intel PIN. One then makes a key guess and predicts the value of a (supposedly) computed bit based on the guess and the computation input. The collected traces are then categorized into two groups according to the hypothetical bits, and a differential trace is calculated by subtracting the two average traces for each key guess. Finally, the key guess with the highest peak in the differential trace is selected as the key candidate.

DCA has been shown especially effective to break many open white-box implementations and was extensively used as a white-box cryptanalytic technique in the recent WhibOx contest. At FSE 2016, Sasdrich et al. implemented Chow et al.'s white-box countermeasure in FPGA platform. They show that the classical DPA can reveal the secrets in hardware implementations of the white-box designs in the gray-box context, which extends the observation by Bos et al. Besides, the authors stress that the leakage of Chow et al.'s countermeasure comes from the imbalanceness of Boolean function modeling the intermediate variables appearing the computation. At ACNS 2018, Bock et al. give another reason why DCA works on previous countermeasures. However, their analysis is limited to nibble encodings, which could not be generalized to more complicated encoding techniques. A more in-depth analysis of DCA is expected by the community.


DCA is generic, automated and does not require any information about the design technique. But for a designer, there exist not too many ideas in the light of DCA attack. Besides, given that more DCA-like attacks appear in many following works and generic attacks, such as differential fault analysis are also destructive to practical white-box solutions, it becomes an even more complex problem. It is a challenging task to find a provably secure white-box scheme in the white-box context. However, to meet the needs of white-box secure solution from industry, we are forced to achieve security through obscurity for now. Although not perfect, it might be meaningful to consider to mitigate the gray-box attacks in the first place, for instance, by ideas inspired by the side-channel community.

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